Book Title: Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries

Subtitle: The first and second year college experience

Authors: Cynthia Tysick; Tiffany Walsh; Amanda Boyer; Christine Elliott; F. Elizabeth Nicholson; Holly Jackson; Lauren Movlai; Leslie L. Morgan; Monica Moore; Wendy Hardenberg; Amy Dye-Reeves; Angela Chikowero; Chloe Santangelo; Evalynn Vierheller; Jacqueline Hollcraft; Kevin Augustine; Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic; Lauren Puzier; Alicia Vaandering; Marta Samokishyn; Martha Attridge Bufton; Melissa Laidman; Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme; and Rebecca Nous

Book Description: "Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries" explores how first and second year college students develop intellectual curiosity through library experiences. Such experiences can shape one's undergraduate career, and include interactions with library spaces, instruction, relationships, services, and outreach. This collection of works was carefully curated to provide unique, meaningful, and personal narratives from librarians related to the first/second year college student experience. 

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives


Book Information

Book Description

Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries explores how first and second year college students develop intellectual curiosity through library experiences. Such experiences can shape one’s undergraduate career, and include interactions with library spaces, instruction, relationships, services, and outreach. Instilling and inspiring intellectual curiosity in college students is a cornerstone of retention, positive academic performance, and completion for students of every socio-economic and diverse backgrounds. Libraries, as the intellectual heart of the campus have become increasingly woven into the fabric of the curricular and extracurricular lives of students. This collection of works was carefully curated to provide unique, meaningful, and personal narratives from librarians related to the first/second year college student experience.


Cynthia Tysick; Tiffany Walsh; Amanda Boyer; Christine Elliott; F. Elizabeth Nicholson; Holly Jackson; Lauren Movlai; Leslie L. Morgan; Monica Moore; Wendy Hardenberg; Amy Dye-Reeves; Angela Chikowero; Chloe Santangelo; Evalynn Vierheller; Jacqueline Hollcraft; Kevin Augustine; Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic; Lauren Puzier; Alicia Vaandering; Marta Samokishyn; Martha Attridge Bufton; Melissa Laidman; Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme; and Rebecca Nous


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries Copyright © by Cynthia Tysick; Tiffany Walsh; Amanda Boyer; Christine Elliott; F. Elizabeth Nicholson; Holly Jackson; Lauren Movlai; Leslie L. Morgan; Monica Moore; Wendy Hardenberg; Amy Dye-Reeves; Angela Chikowero; Chloe Santangelo; Evalynn Vierheller; Jacqueline Hollcraft; Kevin Augustine; Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic; Lauren Puzier; Alicia Vaandering; Marta Samokishyn; Martha Attridge Bufton; Melissa Laidman; Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme; and Rebecca Nous is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Library and information services


Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries
Cynthia Tysick; Tiffany Walsh; Amanda Boyer; Christine Elliott; F. Elizabeth Nicholson; Holly Jackson; Lauren Movlai; Leslie L. Morgan; Monica Moore; Wendy Hardenberg; Amy Dye-Reeves; Angela Chikowero; Chloe Santangelo; Evalynn Vierheller; Jacqueline Hollcraft; Kevin Augustine; Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic; Lauren Puzier; Alicia Vaandering; Marta Samokishyn; Martha Attridge Bufton; Melissa Laidman; Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme; and Rebecca Nous
Cynthia Tysick and Tiffany Walsh

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Intellectual Curiosity and the Role of Libraries Copyright © by Cynthia Tysick; Tiffany Walsh; Amanda Boyer; Christine Elliott; F. Elizabeth Nicholson; Holly Jackson; Lauren Movlai; Leslie L. Morgan; Monica Moore; Wendy Hardenberg; Amy Dye-Reeves; Angela Chikowero; Chloe Santangelo; Evalynn Vierheller; Jacqueline Hollcraft; Kevin Augustine; Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic; Lauren Puzier; Alicia Vaandering; Marta Samokishyn; Martha Attridge Bufton; Melissa Laidman; Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme; and Rebecca Nous is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Primary Subject
Library and information services
Additional Subject(s)
Research and information: general
University at Buffalo
SUNY Pressbooks
Ebook ISBN